Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Overview of assignment 1

Okay so this is the wrap up for the first assignment:





Blog post about flickr:




my post about delicious on my blog:


I wanted to use the blog and the other sites we were asked to prepare so that they continue to be useful to me in "real life" - not just for the assignment. I couldn't get into the assignment for the assignment's sake. Taking this approach I have taken my interests and tried to depict and develop them over the length of the assignment task.

BLOG - 18 posts

I have had a blog before, but I felt this was a good opportunity to start again. Previously I was using my blog as a diary site without any expectation or wish for an audience. Now I am beginning to get a feel for the distinction between personal/private life and a professional/public profile that a blog is an important part of, and I am beginning to think of my blog in those terms. I have made a number of posts in my blog. I put up some video links to animators whose work I admire. After my initial enthusiasm for this I realised that there may be bandwidth problems, and from now on I will focus more on links only to external videos which seems more polite.

I have made a couple of posts about blogger. One was about discovering blogger in draft which allows for easy though still limited customisation of blogger blogs. Subsequently I refined the look of my blog with it. The post related to that is here.


I know in wordpress it is possible to customise the code for a blog a lot, but I have never been able to work out how to do it to any great extent, in Wordpress, or in Blogger. So I am looking forward to learning more about this later. In blogger in draft mode I did discover the page for editing the code for my blogger site. It is a little complex and not a lot of straight html involved.

I have also made a post in relation to flash and ipad which I think is relevant for this course - to me anyway:


I have made a post in my blog to some of my favourite sites:


I have also made a number of posts regarding flickr images that I have posted on my site. Which I have linked to below:

Some examples of links and images that I have placed on my blog from flickr are:




I have made links to people's blogs including as listed below. The blogs are interesting - the comments are not so much.





FLICKR - 54 items

My flickr site is at:


My blog post on flickr is at:


This is an edited version of that post:

I have found flickr good to use. I haven't used it before for my images. I have just come back from some years overseas. Beginning to organise some of the photos has been kind of therapeutic.

I have noticed some features which are useful on top of the obvious. One in particular I think I will use is posting directly to blog.
I like the idea of placing things in sets. I tend to think this way and it will help me show the images in a positive way. I am beginning to work out how to make blogger and flickr work together and I am looking forward to developing this as time goes by. I can see how flickr will become a professional promotion tool.

DELICIOUS - 58 bookmarks

My delicious site is at:


I have book listed all the student mpi101 blogs that I could find. I got 32 counting my own blog and the main course blog.


Here is a link to my post on delicious on my blog:


This is the text to the blog posting:

I am taking the task of building up my bookmarks in delicious seriously. In the past I have just had a huge jumbled list on my browser and this seems to be much better as I may actually be able to find stuff in the future because of the tagging system. I think it will be particularly relevant for listing tutorial sites and examples of animation and illustration that I admire.

Other sites that use folksonomy include:





Here is my bookmark for a few favourite/ most visited sites. Some comments are in the delicious description:


Here is my blog post on the favourite sites:


I have used tags for delicious and for my blog primarily based on my areas of interest. I look for tags that I will use more than once but not so often that they form too big a group to be useful. I think of it as a filing system. I also try and not have similar words so that tag lists are not split up in an arbitary way, and so difficult to find.

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